I will be attending the Vertigo International Academy meeting in Minsk, Belarus in May 2019. I have been invited to deliver an instructional course on the dizziness in children from the perspective of paediatric neurology to an audience predominantly of audiovestibular physicians from around the world. My talk will mainly be case-based approach to differential diagnosis based on the various children I have seen over the years with a combination of neurological, medical, otological and psychological causes of dizziness. An interesting area which I have become increasingly aware is the role of vestibular injury after head injury and its potential contribution to persistent symptoms of head injury (“persistent post-concussion syndrome”).
Feed back after the conference: this was an eye-opener regarding the subject matter. There was a fascinating combination of neuro-organic, psychological, audiology and ENT perspectives on this topic of vertigo, or dizziness.
I am now thinking through how to integrate the literature in cerebellar ataxia rehabilitation with the work on vertigo rehabilitation – the overlaps and the differences in evaluation and treatment.